What patients say about Acupuncture
"As a stroke survivor you strive for small improvements to your area of weakness. Acupuncture and the holistic approach given by Ronit has helped me immeasurably. No one session is the same, as no days symptoms are the same. The wellbeing attitude and support conveyed in the treatment has no doubt added to my on-going recovery. " HL

“I had been suffering with leg and back pain after doing a sponsored cycle ride.  Using a variety of different treatments including acupuncture and massage, Ronit/Natural Thinking reduced the pain I was experiencing considerably, and also gave me some fantastic advice on how to alleviate any similar pain I experience in the future.  I highly recommend a visit!” PM

"I went to see Ronit after experiencing pain in my left arm and lower back. After a couple of sessions of acupuncture, the pain had disappeared altogether and my back was free of tension for the first time in years." MM

"When I first came to Ronit she was standing in for a colleague and advertised and herself as a pre/post natal support specialist. Given I am 60+ male with a whole host of fatigue related symptoms I wasn’t sure…
Over an extended period of treatment for this and other conditions, I can honestly say I have found her to be a very intuitive, knowledgeable and effective complementary healthcare professional. Her knowledge and experience is much wider than this and she-understates her capability. She is also a delightful empathetic human being, with an open, non-dogmatic approach and a great sense of humour . I’d unhesitatingly recommend her." SB

"I made an appointment with Ronit of Natural Thinking for a deep massage as I was experiencing lower and upper back pain. Within such a short time, I felt so much better and wonderfully relaxed. Ronit makes the whole experience very calming and personal and I have already recommended her to others and will continue to do so." HM

What people say about their JAHARA® Experience

"Incredibly relaxing. Lots of visions of green and yellow from the heart and solar plexus. I feel utterly relaxed and blissed out. Thank You" EG

"This is my third treatment and each time I feel more energised and at ease in the water.
My sacrum was sore before the treatment but afterwards felt very relaxed, as was my lower back".
"Energetically, I, again experienced feeling more energised; Also, this time a feeling of clarity of mind". TH

"I found this experience very relaxing. I felt safe in the hands of my practitioner whose technique was firm and assuring.
The benefits felt are immediate and all aches and pains relieved"

“Amazing feeling of weightlessness - womb like”

"relaxing, peaceful, time to switch off. Great for neck and shoulders. Didn't feel uncomfortable in the water.
Trusted Ronit not to get water on my face"

“Beautiful treatment. I felt safe, comforted and held - just what I needed.
This is a fantastic therapy that everyone should try”

"Positive, relaxing, enjoyable is just a few words to describe JAHARA®. It helped my mind switch off.
The stretching was so lovely in the session"